How to Claim Compensation for Chronic Pain Sufferers

How to Claim Compensation for Chronic Pain Sufferers
Many of us experience unwanted pain from time to time caused by illness or injuries. However, for a growing proportion of Ontario’s population, this pain is constant and long-lasting. Known as chronic pain, this unwanted symptom can last for months or even years after recovering from the incident that caused it.
Chronic pain can be a major disruption in our everyday lives and can prevent us from working, studying and even enjoying our hobbies. In many cases such as slips and falls, a person’s chronic pain could have been avoided if it was not for another individual or organization’s negligence.
In today’s post, Ristich Law will be explaining how Ontarians can get the support they deserve by making a chronic pain claim.
What is Chronic Pain?
Because chronic pain is experienced by many people of different ages, backgrounds and medical conditions, the definition of chronic pain is fairly broad.
On average, chronic pain is generally viewed as pain that lasts six months or longer. Pain might also be considered chronic pain if the person has shown to recover from an illness or injury, but some symptoms linger far beyond the normal recovery period or have caused long-term disabilities. This length can vary however depending on the cause, the individual’s general health, and the treatment that was used to help them recover.
Identify the Cause Behind Your Chronic Pain
Trying to determine the cause behind chronic pain is a key step in determining whether you can claim compensation for your suffering. Employers, business owners, and insurance companies may be able to deny your claim if you cannot demonstrate their responsibility, frustrating your progress to getting compensation.
Some cases are more obvious than others. For example, negligent safety standards on a construction site might have caused a fit and healthy employee to injure themselves and be unable to work for several weeks or months as they recover. Even after the injury has healed, the individual might be experiencing debilitating pain due to complications of the injury, such as nerve damage, tendon weakness or spinal cord issues. In this case, the employee would have a high chance of recovering compensation if they have enough documentation and medical evidence to demonstrate so.
Other typical causes behind chronic pain include car accidents, slip and fall injuries and injuries involving heavy lifting.
Some cases of chronic pain might be more difficult to prove when no particular incident or condition can be identified as the cause. Because chronic pain is generally difficult to diagnose with existing medical technology and is highly subjective to the individual, it can be challenging to find definitive evidence in support of a claim. Issues such as depression, poor mental health and sleep disturbances are highly complex cases that have shown to be linked with chronic pain. Developing a case for a claim will often require the assistance of a personal injury lawyer who will be able to investigate further and put together a strong claim on your behalf.
Consult a Personal Injury Lawyer for a Successful Chronic Pain Claim
We know trying to handle a claim while suffering from chronic pain can be an incredibly difficult burden to bear. Having to collect and present relevant documentation and battle with insurance companies while trying to take care of yourself and others means individuals are more likely to unfairly lose their claims or experience additional unwanted stress.
At Ristich Law, we put your needs first. Our professional and experienced team of personal injury lawyers in Toronto and Etobicoke have the depth of knowledge needed to file a successful chronic pain claim that will make the process much more transparent and easier for you. Get the compensation you deserve without having to take on additional stress, contact our personal injury lawyers today – we are here to help you!
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